Parking Garage Cleaning Company Chicago
Parking Garage Cleaning Company Chicago

Parking Garage Cleaning Company Chicago

In truth, there are a couple different types of cleanings we can perform as a parking garage cleaning company Chicago. I will be speaking about just one of them here. So with that, I am setting up a couple links directly below this paragraph that you can click on if they are what you are interested in. Please note that clicking on one of these three links will take you to away from this site to another one of our web sites

The first type of parking garage cleaning that we offer in between deep cleaning is parking garage power floor sweeping Chicago. The second type of parking garage cleaning we offer for customers that either, have areas that either cannot handle any water because of leaking or just would like to keep up with their garage

parking garage power floor scrubbing Chicago. There is a third alternative option that we offer as a parking garage cleaning company Chicago. In fact, this option is used when we can’t perform regular cleaning, again because of water issues with your building. However, it just not going to come clean without pressure washing or power washing.

This option is called pressure washing with reclamation Chicago. In short, this option allows us to use the force of our steam pressure washing equipment, while simultaneously recovering the water.

If you have any questions at this time please call 312-384-0044.

If you would like to go the home page go to parking garage cleaning Chicago.


Parking Garage Cleaning Process

At any rate, in this section,  I am going to cover our regular cleaning procedures and the entire process. After you call us out for an estimate, we take a look at the work you show us. Assess the work and give you our estimate and insurance. From there, it is in your hands for a bit. Afterward, we lock down a time that works for you. Then we start getting ready for the job.

On cleaning day we arrive and start setting up. In fact, there is always a couple of people that think your rules do not abide by them. Many of my public and private parking garage cleaning customers hire a towing company to relocate cars at the car owners expense. Thus to ensure they are getting their money’s worth. In truth, our process won’t hurt cars. However, we cannot clean underneath the cars and usually leave a 3-foot gap around the car if left in the garage during the cleaning day.

At any rate, we then start applying our proprietary blend of soaps to the surface we are cleaning. These soaps begin to loosen the dirt, grease, carbon and such free from the surface we are cleaning. Finally, pressure washing begins. Afterward, we rinse all dirty water to the closet drain. Then squeegee up or vacuum up with our power floor scrubber the excess water. Leaving you a clean garage that can be used immediately after out cleaning. In fact, we want you to be happy before we leave. This process takes a lot to set up and there is no sense in not doing so.

If you have any questions about our process or would like to schedule an estimate please call us at 312-384-0044